Monday, March 19, 2007

Undestanding AJAX - background reading

Dr. Dobb's selected Yahoo! User Interface Library as the best AJAX Framework to fit their web projects' need. A little week in widgets but top score in download size (22k), maintenance, documentation. (Other were: Dojo, Prototype and Scriptaculous, Direct Web Reporting and finaly Google Web Toolkit.

Why it came, when it came and what technology is used, an article over 3 pages from, AJAX

This one us really good, it talks about how these techniques are used instead of baffling about how great it is and what you can do with it, 6 pages from, Hands On: Understanding AJAX

A looong 7 page article about an application first made with a hidden frame, then how that old technique is replaced by the A-bbreviation, again So how do you code an AJAX WWeb page?

If you would like to do it yourself and not use the Microsoft AJAX Extensions in Visual Studio or Express you can go to this 7 page article from Professional Technical Reference, Getting Started with AJAX and the AXMLHttpRequest Object

JSON JavaScript Object Notation - If you are in need of as little network load as possible you can send and recieve JSON, the Prototype library can help you. Dev2Dev - An introduction to JSON

ScottGu on JSON Hijacking and How ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Avoids these Attacks

Milan as written a nice set of one-pager pdf files on various MS Ajax types. Download ASP.NET AJAX PDF Cheat Sheets

Thursday, March 15, 2007

SEO stuff

More will come here, I'm just posting and updating the posts as it it was my notebook :)

  • SEO = Search Engine Optimization :)
  • Search engine indexes takes time to update, 10 days to 3 months.
  • If your pages move and you want your search stats to be kept, output a 301 permanently moved header
- Most importantly! Write better content, with good content your page gets popular.
- Underscore and hyphens in URLs are considered "word breakers" but underscore is given less points with Google. Hello-World is better than Hello_World. Found at Hanselman

Build incoming links:
- Now that I link to usb company, (making cool USB sticks) that site will rank higher, the more "incoming" links a site has the better, it shows it is popular.
- Check out Andy Hagans link building articles, where you will find the 101 ways to bulid link popularity in 2006

Google tools for webmasters

:| :) :-) :D :-D :-DDD :-}

A list of funny "tech" stuff :)

2008.09.11 - CSM? This cartoon have made me chuckle for several minutes now, just have to post it:
Found here:

Top 10 usability bloopers in movies:

Funny slogans to have as or next to your IM nick (thanks Sunil)

In lack of a better place to ut these pick-up lines:
- I hope you're just as good looking when I'm sober!

- What has 148 teeth and keeps the incredible Hulk from escaping?
- My fly. (Buksesmekken min)

- You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?

- I wish you were a door so I could bang you all day long, baby

- Nice legs... what time do they open?

(Worst so far)
- You remind me of a parking ticket, becuase you've got FINE written all over you.

Accessible websites are popular as ever

The mostly used U.S. standard "Section 508"

The W3C standard WAI is split into three priorities

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Don't use AJAX to call time consuming functions

Having an ajax exhaustive site can make performance go down if it has several heavy calls blocking the threads in the available thread pool - because the ajax calls calls a webservice wrapper and weservices are executed synchronously - compared to normal postbacks that can be asynchronously.
--> When having lots of load on such calls, perform partial or complete postback instead.

Found at: Dr. Dobb's AJAX ans Asynchronous Pages march 13, 2007

Technological bits

Here I will post small bits and peices of info I stumble upon - initially it'll be mostly stuff relevant to my daily programming life.